BERNE PUBLIC LIBRARY With a gift of a dozen authentic vintage feedsacks, we made full-length aprons, which sold out in five days. We sent all proceeds to the library to purchase a wall display system for artwork, photographs, and other exhibits. Read our Letter to the Editor of the Altamont Enterprise. |
Slideshow of some of the feedsack aprons we made to benefit Berne Public Library.

Helderberg Quilt Barn Trail is a driving tour through the Helderberg Hilltowns of western Albany County, New York. Many hand-painted wooden quilt blocks, some as large as 8'x8', are mounted on barns, homes, businesses, or posts.
To learn more about this volunteer project, visit Helderberg Quilt Barn Trail.
To learn more about this volunteer project, visit Helderberg Quilt Barn Trail.

Knots of Love provides handmade caps for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy all across the country, as well as blankets for babies in NICU [newborn intensive care units]. We enjoyed knitting these colorful, soft caps with spiral decor. To learn how you can help, visit Knots of Love.

Project Linus provides homemade blankets to children in need all across the country. We make simple, hand-tied quilts for all ages but focus on flannel quilts for teen-age boys in the Albany, NY, area. To learn about this project in your area, visit Project Linus.
1 Million Pillowcase Challenge donates pillowcases to charities, reaching people of all ages. We make pillowcases and deliver them to a local quilt shop for distribution in our area. More info at 1 Million Pillowcase Challenge.