The rowdy central panel was given to me by Australian quilter Racheldaisy when she heard about my fiber art project.
Key to fabrics and findings:
- Acorn: Love their little caps; favorite trees: red maple, quaking aspen, balsam fir, white birch
- Applause: If the audience is entertained/moved, I’ve done my job
- Apple: Cortlands are my favorite
- Aprons: Wear one every day, sewed dozens for PinchPenny Threads
- Baton: My brilliant high school career as a baton-dropping drum majorette
- Birds, Goldfinch: Always wanted to fly
- Books: Taught myself to read at a very early age; favorite: Song of Solomon (Toni Morrison)
- Boston: What’s not to love about that city?
- Butterfly (silver): My second pierced earrings, c. 1968
- Cards, Scrabble Tiles: I’m a lover of games from way back, especially word games
- Cat: Meow!
- Clothespins: Love to hang out laundry
- Compass: I’m a great navigator and love road trips with friends
- Dove in Trinity: Received at a Baptist conference, Ocean Park ME, 1965
- Dr. Salk: So many medical discoveries in my lifetime
- Fairies, Toadstool: Love little people and their dwellings
- Flag and Pledge: I was in first grade when President Eisenhower added “under God”
- Flamingo: From Thing 2’s boxer shorts: Mr. Elberfeld and I got married in Captiva FL
- Flip Flops: Bare feet are best, flip flops are next
- Fortunes: These fortunes are true for me
- G Clef: A beautiful spiral for a life filled with music
- Girl Scouts: Brownie to Senior Scout, later a Cadette leader
- Harvard Heart: Gift from Mr. Elberfeld c. 1965
- Hen: Chicken whisperer--that’s me
- Holly: Love Christmas music, presents, and pie
- Ice Cream, Good Eats: Love my sweets and treats
- Jack-o-Lantern: From Thing 2’s boxer shorts; I love Halloween but not the gore
- Jane McLean “It Rhymes”: That’s me as my grandmother Vera on the cover of a pictorial story of my life
- JCL Charm: Latin Club in high school; hated the subject, loved the Roman banquets
- JFK: 11/22/1963: High school sophomore English class when we heard the news
- Knitting: I knit simple items so I can talk at the same time
- Laugh Often: OK, I will
- Lighthouse, Lobstah: We retired to rocky Midcoast Maine in 2015
- Lily-of-the-Valley: My favorite flower; grandmother Vera’s wedding bouquet, granddaughter Stella’s tattoo
- Lined Paper, Notebook, #2 Pencil: My preferred writing tools
- Lyre: Think of me as a storyteller, not a prevaricator--and a jokester
- Maple Leaf: In the colors of my favorite season
- Muse of Comedy: I’ve been treading the boards for almost 75 years
- Niagara Falls: Lived in Upstate New York for 25 years
- No War: A peace lover from way back
- Pattern, Rickrack, Sewing Notions: Love putting fabrics and patterns together
- Picnic: Hate bugs, love picnics
- Popcorn and Projector: I adore movies, favorite: My Brilliant Career, favorite actor: Gene Hackman
- Rainbow Heart: Nobody’s 100% anything
- Ram’s Horn: Never met a spiral I didn’t like
- Rolling Pin: Indifferent cook, good baker
- Sign Language: My brilliant career in special education
- Sing Sing Sing: Been singing since I was 10 months old
- Singer Treadle Machine: I sing and I sew, I sew and I sing
- Tartans: The McClures and the M(a)cLeans
- Teapot: I drink two beverages, tea and water
- Thing 1 and Thing 2: My sons
- TIE Fighter: Grandmother of third generation Star Wars aficionados
- Tulip: By Maude Lewis, Nova Scotian folk artist and inspiration
- Ukulele: Pickin’ and strummin’ and singin’ a song
- United Nations: Spent a week in NYC learning about the UN and singing Henry the Eighth with 200 other high school kids
- Universitas Bucnellensis: After a slow start and long delay, I finally received a master’s degree
- Very Hungry Caterpillar: Eric Carle’s delightful picture book is a speech-language pathologist’s dream
- Water Bottle: Love to go for easy hikes
- Wishbone: An essential body part, along with backbone and funny bone
Copyright Jane McLean, 2023